Je normalno, da mladi delamo zastonj? Nikakor ne! Tudi mi imamo svoje delavske pravice in si za delo zaslužimo dostojno plačilo! Na Sindikatu Mladi plus se vseskozi borimo za plačana pripravništva na vseh področjih. Potem ko smo leta 2014 uspešno izborili sklep Vlade RS, s katerim je ta pri nas prepovedala volonterska/neplačana pripravništva, naše aktivnosti nadaljujemo tudi na mednarodni ravni. ✊ ✊
Peticija na spodnji povezavi opozarja na pomen plačanega pripravništva v Organizaciji združenih narodov, ki bi še posebej morala delovati v dobro vseh in tudi v lastni hiši upoštevati vse delavske in socialne pravice zaposlenih, saj gre konec koncev tudi za osnovne človekove pravice.
“The use of interns within the UN Secretariat has risen from 131 interns in 1996 to 2,267 in 2015. Rather than combating the effects of the global financial crisis on youth unemployment and addressing internal financial instability within the United Nations, the UN has substituted entry-level staff positions with unpaid interns.
As a precondition to being a UN intern is access to sufficient financial resources, unpaid internships are exclusive and unequal, in opposition to the values held by the UN Charter and the 2030 Agenda.
As no coherent labor standards exist for interns in the United Nations, the quality of the internship is entirely dependent on the preference and goodwill of supervisors.
Access to formal justice mechanisms and protection against harassment, discrimination and abuse of power is not provided to interns.
Minimum labor standards including the allocation of sick leave, vacation days and health insurance are also denied.”